The business approach at the heart of the ERP

Sectoral approach
With Infor CloudSuite™ Distribution Enterprise, you can quickly optimize your supply chain processes. Control costs and achieve operational excellence through warehouse mobility, inventory management, order processing and more.
The ERP functions dedicated to distribution meet the needs of companies with wholesale activities in fields as varied as automotive and industrial vehicle parts, building materials, electricity, industry, food processing, plumbing supplies…
User experience
Increase employee productivity thanks to a modern, intuitive and customizable user interface. Users have easy access to information they need and are alerted as soon as an action on their part is required.
Provide your employees with professional digital tools that give them the same ease of navigation they enjoy when using their personal devices.

Security and reliability
Infor CloudSuite™ Distribution Enterprise is delivered as an AWS® cloud service. You get all the benefits of the multi-tenant public cloud for business and you can adopt the latest innovations and updates at your own pace.
You are able to respond to the growing need to digitally connect to the outside world. Free from the constraints of application upgrades, IT resources can focus on growing your business.